Thursday, November 29, 2012

A Healthy Start

All healthy individuals know there's only one way to start each day and that is with BREAKFAST, the most important of the 3 meals. Yes, your mornings can start with coffee, meditation, a workout, or any other early routine but do not leave the house without having that first meal. Not only does breakfast give you energy for half of the day but it has been linked to improved performance at work and weight control.

If you are thinking: "Great! Breakfast leads to weight loss so now I can grab that blueberry crumb muffin along with my morning Starbucks drink!" You may have the wrong idea of what breakfast should consist of. Here are some low carb and high protein breakfast ideas we are loving right now to help kick start your healthy lifestyle:

  • 1 cup of nonfat fat greek yogurt [best options: Fage 0% or Trader Joe's 0% in Strawberry or Blueberry] topped with pomegranate seeds, blueberries and almonds or walnuts + a banana on the side

  • 2 hard boiled eggs + 1 banana + 1 handful of raw almonds or walnuts [best breakfast if you are on-the-go]

  • 1 packet of Trader Joe's Pumpkin Spice & Pecan oatmeal + a bowl of sliced melon and berries

  • 2 scrambled eggs + 1 packet of Trader Joe's Pumpkin Spice & Pecan oatmeal [best breakfast before a tough morning workout]

  • 1 omelette made with two egg whites, 1 whole egg filled with veggies + side of cottage cheese and sliced tomato (substitute for toast and potatoes) [best choice at the brunch spot]

All of these meal options are nutritious, delicious and filling. Don't start your day with white flour or sugar (or eat at any point of the day!) and the changes in your energy, your mood and your body will be amazing.